"You shouldn't hire me if you're looking for someone to simply write code in large volumes without considering the bigger picture. I'm someone who thrives on solving root problems, building, cohesive systems, and ensuring stakeholder alignment. If the priority is speed over thoughtful analysis, I might not be the best fit. However, if you're looking for someone who can drive meaningful and scalable solutions, collaborate effectively, and contribute to long-term success, then I believe I'd bring s"
Nicola R. - "You shouldn't hire me if you're looking for someone to simply write code in large volumes without considering the bigger picture. I'm someone who thrives on solving root problems, building, cohesive systems, and ensuring stakeholder alignment. If the priority is speed over thoughtful analysis, I might not be the best fit. However, if you're looking for someone who can drive meaningful and scalable solutions, collaborate effectively, and contribute to long-term success, then I believe I'd bring s"See full answer
"I work at a startup that makes software for Law Enforcement and the FBI. Our product analyzes calls being made by prison inmates and "listens" for predictors of violence and criminal behavior. Our clients are some of the top state prisons in the country.
Recently one of the largest states in the country decided to evaluate our product for their prison system. I demo'd the product to the officers and they seemed to like everything. During the presentation they asked us if the product was ADA com"
Aabid S. - "I work at a startup that makes software for Law Enforcement and the FBI. Our product analyzes calls being made by prison inmates and "listens" for predictors of violence and criminal behavior. Our clients are some of the top state prisons in the country.
Recently one of the largest states in the country decided to evaluate our product for their prison system. I demo'd the product to the officers and they seemed to like everything. During the presentation they asked us if the product was ADA com"See full answer
Compare alternate houses i.e for each house starting from the third, calculate the maximum money that can be stolen up to that house by choosing between:
Skipping the current house and taking the maximum money stolen up to the previous house.
Robbing the current house and adding its value to the maximum money stolen up to the house two steps back.
package main
import (
// rob function calculates the maximum money a robber can steal
func maxRob(nums []int) int {
VContaineers - "
Compare alternate houses i.e for each house starting from the third, calculate the maximum money that can be stolen up to that house by choosing between:
Skipping the current house and taking the maximum money stolen up to the previous house.
Robbing the current house and adding its value to the maximum money stolen up to the house two steps back.
package main
import (
// rob function calculates the maximum money a robber can steal
func maxRob(nums []int) int {
ln"See full answer
Data Scientist
Data Structures & Algorithms
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"Lyft at its core is a marketplace with drivers and cars on the supply side, and passengers on the demand side. I would begin by dividing the goal of the dashboard into two categories :
Health of the marketplace
Health of the app/ reliability from a technical perspective
The second one is more straightforward so I’ll briefly mention some overarching metrics I would look at and come back to it later if time allows.
Health or reliability of the app can be further divided into the following
Sukriti C. - "Lyft at its core is a marketplace with drivers and cars on the supply side, and passengers on the demand side. I would begin by dividing the goal of the dashboard into two categories :
Health of the marketplace
Health of the app/ reliability from a technical perspective
The second one is more straightforward so I’ll briefly mention some overarching metrics I would look at and come back to it later if time allows.
Health or reliability of the app can be further divided into the following
-"See full answer
"For any project based questions, it is important to structure your response clearly, showcasing your thought process, technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and how your work added value. Besides the STAR method, you can also use this kind of framework:
1. Start by selecting a relevant project (related to the role)
Give the project background and what specific problem it solved.
2. Align the project's objective and your role
Be specific about your role: were you the le"
Malay K. - "For any project based questions, it is important to structure your response clearly, showcasing your thought process, technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and how your work added value. Besides the STAR method, you can also use this kind of framework:
1. Start by selecting a relevant project (related to the role)
Give the project background and what specific problem it solved.
2. Align the project's objective and your role
Be specific about your role: were you the le"See full answer
"Reversing a linked list is a very popular question. We have two approaches to reverse the linked list: Iterative approach and recursion approach.
Iterative approach (JavaScript)
function reverseLL(head){
if(head === null) return head;
let prv = null;
let next = null;
let cur = head;
next = cur.next; //backup
cur.next = prv;
prv = cur;
cur = next;
head = prv;
return head;
Recursion Approach (JS)
function reverseLLByRecursion("
Satyam S. - "Reversing a linked list is a very popular question. We have two approaches to reverse the linked list: Iterative approach and recursion approach.
Iterative approach (JavaScript)
function reverseLL(head){
if(head === null) return head;
let prv = null;
let next = null;
let cur = head;
next = cur.next; //backup
cur.next = prv;
prv = cur;
cur = next;
head = prv;
return head;
Recursion Approach (JS)
function reverseLLByRecursion("See full answer
"Why do we have FB dating? How does it fit within FB's mission of connecting people and building community?
Research shows that lonely people have worse health outcomes, get sick more easily, die faster, etc. There are many ways to solve for loneliness. FB already has Groups which connect people based on shared interests/hobbies. FB also has Messengers and other apps that help you connect with people you already know. Dating is an important way FB can help people form more intimate connections a"
Patrick B. - "Why do we have FB dating? How does it fit within FB's mission of connecting people and building community?
Research shows that lonely people have worse health outcomes, get sick more easily, die faster, etc. There are many ways to solve for loneliness. FB already has Groups which connect people based on shared interests/hobbies. FB also has Messengers and other apps that help you connect with people you already know. Dating is an important way FB can help people form more intimate connections a"See full answer
"Define: How is daily post view calculated
Isolate Issues:
Data issue
Time period
IOS vs Android vs Web
Correlated Metrics in the funnel
Time spent/ scrolls
Engagement - likes, comments
External factors
Competitor actions
Big events
Internal factors
Product launch
Feature change"
Steve Y. - "Define: How is daily post view calculated
Isolate Issues:
Data issue
Time period
IOS vs Android vs Web
Correlated Metrics in the funnel
Time spent/ scrolls
Engagement - likes, comments
External factors
Competitor actions
Big events
Internal factors
Product launch
Feature change"See full answer
"def is_palindrome(s: str) -> bool:
i, j = 0, (len(s) - 1)
while i <= j:
while not s[i].isalnum():
i += 1
while not s[j].isalnum():
j -= 1
if (s[i].lower() != s[j].lower()):
return False
i += 1
j -= 1
return True
Farhan -. - "def is_palindrome(s: str) -> bool:
i, j = 0, (len(s) - 1)
while i <= j:
while not s[i].isalnum():
i += 1
while not s[j].isalnum():
j -= 1
if (s[i].lower() != s[j].lower()):
return False
i += 1
j -= 1
return True
`"See full answer
COUNT(DISTINCT(CASE when eventname = 'callstarted' then user_id end)) /
COUNT(DISTINCT(CASE when eventname = 'appopen' then user_id end)) * 100)
as videocallpercentage
from activity
where DATE(date) = CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 DAY"
Anonymous Ladybug - "SELECT
COUNT(DISTINCT(CASE when eventname = 'callstarted' then user_id end)) /
COUNT(DISTINCT(CASE when eventname = 'appopen' then user_id end)) * 100)
as videocallpercentage
from activity
where DATE(date) = CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 DAY"See full answer
"Product Understanding -
Ads are what you see from companies as stories, posts, reels. Post are from users (connections). We have to design an experience which produces maximum engagement while generating ad revenue.
Clarifying Questions -
Is it specific to posts/stories/reels ?
Is there an existing post to ads ratio or do we have to start from scratch?
Is it specific to a device/OS?
Is it specific to a region/user demographic?
Assumption -
Existing posts to ads ratio"
Vishal S. - "Product Understanding -
Ads are what you see from companies as stories, posts, reels. Post are from users (connections). We have to design an experience which produces maximum engagement while generating ad revenue.
Clarifying Questions -
Is it specific to posts/stories/reels ?
Is there an existing post to ads ratio or do we have to start from scratch?
Is it specific to a device/OS?
Is it specific to a region/user demographic?
Assumption -
Existing posts to ads ratio"See full answer
"Context - I joined a large public-facing service as a PM midway through its development.
Situation - Due to the SOPs of the company the team already had a metrics framework. That included your standard DAUs, Retention and Acquisition Metrics
Concern -
As SOP metrics were publicly accepted, the team did not internalise what success actually means to the product they are developing, as the actual value was not being encapsulated in the framework
This was evident in the show and tells as the"
Umang S. - "Context - I joined a large public-facing service as a PM midway through its development.
Situation - Due to the SOPs of the company the team already had a metrics framework. That included your standard DAUs, Retention and Acquisition Metrics
Concern -
As SOP metrics were publicly accepted, the team did not internalise what success actually means to the product they are developing, as the actual value was not being encapsulated in the framework
This was evident in the show and tells as the"See full answer
"Before diving into the Solution, I would ask a few clarifying questions.
What is the scope of the fake news
What type of fake news are we focusing on - Political, Health-related, etc
Are we looking at specific examples or a general category of fake news
When you say impact, what do you mean by that? Is it time spent on posts, the nature of the engagement (e.g., likes, shares, comments), and the sentiment of the comments?
User Demographics:
what is the demographic pr"
Bhavna S. - "Before diving into the Solution, I would ask a few clarifying questions.
What is the scope of the fake news
What type of fake news are we focusing on - Political, Health-related, etc
Are we looking at specific examples or a general category of fake news
When you say impact, what do you mean by that? Is it time spent on posts, the nature of the engagement (e.g., likes, shares, comments), and the sentiment of the comments?
User Demographics:
what is the demographic pr"See full answer
"In the Transformer architecture, the decoder differs from the encoder primarily in its additional mechanisms designed to handle autoregressive sequence generation. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:
Self-Attention Mechanism:
Encoder: The encoder has a standard self-attention mechanism that allows each token to attend to all other tokens in the input sequence.
Decoder: The decoder has two types of self-attention. The first is the same as in the encoder, but the second is mas"
Ranj A. - "In the Transformer architecture, the decoder differs from the encoder primarily in its additional mechanisms designed to handle autoregressive sequence generation. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:
Self-Attention Mechanism:
Encoder: The encoder has a standard self-attention mechanism that allows each token to attend to all other tokens in the input sequence.
Decoder: The decoder has two types of self-attention. The first is the same as in the encoder, but the second is mas"See full answer